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Ahmed Jamal Khan

Telecoms recruitment in the UAE

5 Minutes

Ahmed Jamal Khan, Mughees Ahmed, Gemma O’Flaherty and Ahmed Abouzaid from First Point Group’...

By Ahmed Jamal Khan

Account Director

Ahmed Jamal Khan, Mughees Ahmed, Gemma O’Flaherty and Ahmed Abouzaid from First Point Group’s Dubai office attended Gitex Global in Dubai – a global technology event that unifies the world’s most influential ecosystems in business, economy and society. With exhibitors from all over the globe, from large IT firms to telecommunication powerhouses looking to shape the market, it was a very busy few days for the team. 

Along with meeting familiar faces of our clients, the team also spoke with other business leaders who are excited about the prospect of expanding their businesses in the Middle East, mainly by seeking investments from companies and/or individuals from South Asia.  Ahmed Jamal Khan, Divisional Director at First Point Group commented “This Year’s Gitex was the busiest that we have seen in recent years. Mainly because this was the first one post-covid with no considerable traveling restrictions. It was great to see all the advancements that have been made and to see a glimpse of the future of tech.” 

With speakers from Huawei, Amazon, Siemens amongst others, it was great to hear the various predictions for recruitment within the technology industry and the advancements already being made like AI, the Metaverse and global 5G access . Dr Marita Hojeji, from USEK university, Lebanon in her speech made reference to the very interesting and insightful Mobile Gender Gap Report which stated that there are 264 million fewer women than men that can access mobile internet. Companies like Plan International are on a mission to bridge the digital divide by providing young women free and equal access to a quality education, increasing the access to health services and more.

The outlook for Recruitment for 2023

From speaking to various telecom leaders and learning their goals for the business, it was clear that recruitment in Dubai and across the globe will continue to grow, however, the impact of the current climate shows that having an office at 100% capacity is not an essential need for businesses, as hybrid and remote working have set their place in society today. Ahmed Jamal Khan summarized the events  by commenting: “The outlook for 2023 is “connected”. A lot of companies had huge booths with very limited actual presence in the country in terms of offices or people. With so much being done remotely, companies currently do not necessarily need large amounts of heads physically on the ground, if they can deliver the services and operations. Will this change in the coming years? Whilst hybrid working does have its benefits, I know of many people who love going into an office with their colleagues, it can be a place of inspiration, group learning and fun.

We look forward to seeing the new businesses growing in the UAE market and the impact innovative technologies will have on recruitment. 

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